
Adding Ai to make your clients life easier.

Written by Lee Wilson
updated over a week ago


Ai provides your clients with an easy method to quickly calculate the protein, fat and carb count of any meal that is added to their food journal. When uploading a photo of their meal, clients have the option to ‘speak’ or ‘type’ their recipe and have Chatgpt automatically calculate the recipes macro breakdown.

There’s no need to add individual food products, just ‘speak’ or ‘type’ your recipe as you would when speaking to a person, for example, you could say: ‘100g of grilled chicken with 75g of brown rice, topped with 140g roasted pepper, 140g of roasted Broccoli, and 78g of roasted carrot.’

In this short video we’ll take a look at the clients food journal and how A.i. can automatically calculate your clients macro’s, we’ll also see how clients can add your interactive recipes to their food journal.


In this article we will show you how to setup Chatgpt for your clients to use.

To add this option you will need to enable ‘Chatgpt’ in your global ‘Settings‘ page or your individual clients ‘Settings‘ page, you will then need to provide your ‘Chatgpt API’ key.

How create a Chatgpt API key

You will first need to create a Chatgpt account, and then follow this link: (if you don’t already have an account you can set one up using the same link).

creating a category with uniquefit

It’s really simple, just click the ‘+ Create new secret key’ button, give your key a name and then copy the the really long number that it provides you. Enter this number into your uniquefit settings page in the ‘ChatGPT Key’ box.

Chatgpt pricing

We’re using the ‘gpt-3.5-turbo’ model as it provides the best results, which gives you a lot for free. For the most up-to-date pricing please visit: Price is calculated on the amount of data that is processed, as a guide 1,000 tokens is approx $0.0025.

As all recipes are different, here is a guide. The following recipe ‘100g of grilled chicken with 75g of brown rice, topped with 140g roasted pepper, 140g of roasted Broccoli, and 78g of roasted carrot.’ is about 100 tokens or $0.00025. Please check the most recent pricing.