Home>uniqefit Product Builder>Programs and Workout Categories

An Introduction to Workouts and Programs

Understanding the basics

Written by Lee Wilson
updated over a week ago


At the top of the Products page is the Categories area, this is where you organise your Programs and Workouts. Categories can hold either a list of Programs or a list of Workouts.

Creating a Category

Creating a category is super simple, just click the red pus button and a popup window will appear.

Give your category a Name and a Sub Title. The Name of your Category is the title of your category within the on-demand area of the uniquefit client app, the Sub Title is a brief description that is displayed below the title.

Your Category can hold either Programs or Workouts.

You can show or hide your category and its content by toggling the Display Content switch, your content will be displayed when green 🙂

workout category