Push Notifications
Sending Push Notifications
Written by Lee Wilson
updated over a week ago
Sending a Push Notification from the Client Page
From the Client page, you can send push notifications to all of your clients or selected individuals. When you send a push notification the notification will immediately show on your client’s phone. Your clients can then log into the uniquefit client app to manage and view all notifications by clicking on the bell icon at the top of the home screen.
To send a push notification to all of your clients at the same time simply click the bell icon at the top of your client list. Enter the title and body of your notification and click ‘send’.
Individual Push Notifications
To send an individual push notification to an individual client, you can either click on the bell icon relating to the client on the main client page or you can click the ‘view >’ button to send a notification from within the individual clients page.
Birthday Notifications
Keep on top of your client’s birthdays in the Today’s Birthday area, which shows all your clients who have birthdays today! You can use the red bell button to send a push notification to all clients with birthdays today, or you can select the individual clients to send a more personalised message.
You may be running a range of well-being activities such as strength training, body transformations, callisthenics, etc. Creating and assigning clients to groups enables you to send messages to the selected group.
To create a new group simply click on ‘Groups +’ to give your group a name. Once a group has been created you can add your client to the group by selecting the group from the dropdown menu and clicking the update button.
Group Notifications
To send a notification to a specific group simply select the group from the send to group dropdown and enter your message. Clicking send will send the message to all clients that have been assigned to the group.